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Taiwan Pastry Chef - Mr. Willson Chen

Chef Partnership

Taiwan Chef Willson Chen was educated in France and began his culinary training as a pastry chef. He has been a gelato chef for nearly a decade and is the owner of Studio Du Double V in Taipei. He has conducted several gelato classes all over Taiwan, especially in colleges. He is also a consultant to leading companies producing gelato equipment.

He is particularly well-known for his GELATO Art Ice Cream Course, which includes a very detailed theory aspect to gelato making. He is a firm believer that knowing the science behind ice cream is crucial to having success when made at home.

Some of his experiences include:  
- Studio Du Double-V Funder
- Deux doux crèmerie pâtisserie & café Chef
- 2016 Singapore FHA Bravo Spa. Gelato Modeling Technician
- Comprital S.P.A. Ice Cream Raw Materials Demonstration Promoter
- Cross-Strait Bakers Association Ice Cream Technician
- Fabian French dessert Le Ruban Pâtisserie deputy chef
- Kemai Food Co., Ltd. West Point Ice cream master
- Assistant Professor of China Cereal Food Industry Technology Institute
- Training technicians at Puratos headquarters in Belgium
- Japan (FMI) Tokyo Social Ice Cream Training
- Le Pré Catelan 3 Michelin Stars Internship at French Samsung Restaurant
- Le Nôtre West Point School, France

- 2015 Marco Polo Intel. Gelato Cup World Cup Taiwan Team No. 2
- 2014 Taiwan Ice Cream Master Creative Contest Champion
- 2013 Taiwan Ice Cream Master Creative Contest runner-up
- Gateaux Cake Association Christmas Art Competition macarons best ideas award


陳謙璿 Willson Chen
Studio Du Double V 創辦人
Deux doux crèmerie pâtisserie & café 主廚

法國Les vergers Boiron 台灣品牌大使
FHA新加坡 Bravo Spa. Gelato 示範師
Puratos Belgium示範技師
Le Pré Catelan 3 Michelin Stars stage
法國雷諾特(L''Ecole Lenôtre)畢業

2015 Marco Polo Intel. Gelato Cup世界盃亞軍
2014 台灣冰淇淋達人創意大賽冠軍
2013 台灣冰淇淋達人創意大賽亞軍
Gateaux macaron 馬卡龍最佳創意

留法學習精緻甜點的主廚暨創辦人Willson,將W在法文的發音等同雙V採用為店名,Double V取其字意為二個V,一個V是勝利,兩個V則是顧客跟店家皆共享的雙贏!


甜點,可以華麗堆疊,但其貌不揚的冰,Willson要的是「致命的一擊,在這直率裡又展現出體貼入微的細膩。」 他的 GELATO 艺术冰淇淋课程尤为出名,其中包括冰淇淋制作的详细理论知识。他堅信,了解冰淇淋背後的科學知識對於在家制作冰淇淋的成功至關重要。



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