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Taiwan Master Pastry Chef - Mr. Allen Chen(陳星緯師傅)

Chef Partnership

After eight years in France, chef Allen Chen returned home at the end of 2019, not only winning the France Tours chocolate competition and other awards. He is also the sous-chef of MOF Yann BRYS (the inventor of the Tourbillon), and the two of them co-created the dessert store Patisserie Tourbillon.

His training and vision, as well as his plans after returning to Taiwan, have not only influenced the French dessert industry in Taiwan, but also served as a model for the next generation of dessert chefs.

Chef Allen Chen is the second generation of Chuan Tung Bakery (since 1982) in Tianmu Taipei. He once thought about the future between cooking and baking, and finally found the motivation to enjoy baking.

Chef Allen Chen is not complacent with any halo, he understands that the most stable path is the future of dessert. The fastest way to reach your goals is to move forward one step at a time.





現任 全統西點 主廚經營者
巴黎百年甜點店 Dalloyau 副主廚
法國 Tourbillon by Yann Brys (2011年 M.O.F.) 副主廚
巴黎 Arnaud Larher (2007年 M.O.F.)
台北 W Hotel
台北 亞太會館
2015年 法國 bellouet conseil 畢業
2014年 法國 Ensp 甜點學校 Cap 畢業
2009年 開平餐飲學校烘焙西點班 畢業

2015年 Romorantin 甜點冠軍
2016年 法國圖爾巧克力大師賽冠軍
2016年 法國 vanne 巧克力大師賽法國隊選拔賽第四名
2018年 代表台灣參加巴黎 Mondial des art sucre 甜點世界盃

2022年  Pâtissier法式甜點新顏值:陳星緯主廚超自信的經典甜點


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