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Taiwan Master Bread Chef - Mr. Huang Tzung-Chen(黃宗辰師傅)

Chef Partnership

Chef Background :

"うまい (WU MAI)"
The founder and chef of the hand-baked bakery specialty store.
Japanese "うまい" means "delicious" (with a feeling of surprise in Chinese).

Chef Huang Tzung-Chen, the current creator and executive chef of WUMAI Bakery,  adhering to the "professional spirit" of bread, he also won the championship in the 2015 Asian City Cup.

The most important thing about being a baker is spirit. It is easy to make a bread, but it is not easy to make a impressive bread. Mr. Lin Zhongyi of MTZ once said "I would rather throw away a plate of bread than lose a guest", which is about chef Huang Tzung-Chen's uncompromising spirit towards bread. Since entering the industry, chef Huang Tzung-Chen's only interest has been learning baking. He is especially good at studying bread making skills and ingredient ratios, and he has never been stingy in teaching baking knowledge to students and friends. Chef Huang Tzung-Chen has assisted many bakers in the bakery industry to open stores and develop new products, all of which have been recognized by the industry, and have won well-known awards in competitions more than once.

うまい WUMAI手感烘焙店的创始人和主厨。日语 "うまい "的意思是 "美味"(在中文中带有惊喜的感觉)。

黃宗辰老师,现任うまい WUMAI手感烘焙的创始人和行政总厨,秉承对面包的 专业精神,他还在2015年的亚洲城市杯上获得了冠军。

作为一个面包师,最重要的是精神。做一个面包很容易,但要做一个令人印象深刻的面包却不容易。MTZ的林忠义先生曾经说过 "宁可丢掉一盘面包,也不能丢掉一个客人",这句话道出了黄宗辰老师对面包不妥协的精神。


2012年 WUMAI手感烘焙创始人兼主厨
2013年 苗栗中兴商工面包讲师
2014年 著作《天然蔬果面包》
2014年 经国管理技术学院面包讲师
2015年 北京真麦粮品技术顾问
2015年 亚洲城市面包大赛冠军
2017年 日本鸟越制粉第11期研习生
2017年 天然星野酵母第一期研习生
2017年 中国台湾烘焙发展协会委员
2018年 新加坡亚洲大赛面包明星赛台湾队带队教练冠军

三重驊珍食品 麵包師傅
板橋德多屋 麵包師傅
台北市多柏思 麵包師傅
台北市聖瑪莉 麵包組長
統一麵粉 麵包類技師

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