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Taiwan Bread Chef - Mr. Vincent Hsiung(熊俊傑師傅)

Chef Partnership



The high level of Taiwan's bakery industry is gaining increasing international popularity. However, among the many master bakers, Chef Vincent Hsiung is also one of the leaders.

He not only won the runner-up in the "2016 UniBread Baking King Bread Competition", he is also a well-known baker in the Taiwan baking industry. It not only occupies a place in Taiwan, but also wins praise from many bakery owners and chefs in China.

In addition to giving technical guidance to many bakeries, Chef Vincent Hsiung also conducted classes in Taiwan/China/Singapore/HongKong..., which was deeply loved by many students. Chef Vincent Hsiung is full of enthusiasm for baking, and treats the work as a kind of art. He constantly requires and hones himself in technology, and his careful work attitude and persistence can be felt in his works.

Published【熊的麵包 I】in 2018 &【熊的麵包 II】in 2020.


/ Working Experience /
New York Flushing Bakery - Consultor
Hong Kong Kowloon Bakery - Consultor
Taiwan Taichung Pao Chuan Food Company - Chef of FongYuan Outlet
Taiwan Taichung 小豆パンほんと紅豆麵包 Bakery - Chef
Taiwan East Rich Foods Co., Ltd. - Technical Chef
China Xiamen Kanpeila Trading Co.,Ltd. - Technical Chef
Taiwan Wei Bo International Trade Co., Ltd. - Technical Director
Professional Baking Teacher



  / 經歷 /
  紐約法拉盛知名麵包店 - 技術顧問
  香港九龍知名麵包店 - 技術顧問
  曾任寶泉食品有線公司 - 豐原店駐店主廚
  曾任紅豆麵包中正店 - 駐店主廚
  曾任東聚國際食品有限公司 - 專業技師
  現任廈門坎培拉 - 專業技師
  現任台灣瑋柏國際食品貿易有限公司 - 技術總監
  現任台灣各大烘焙材料行教室 - 專業授課教師

  / 獎項 /
  健康烘焙達人PK 賽 - 吐司組媒體金選獎
  德麥大理石烘焙大賽 - 最佳人氣獎
  加州葡萄乾烘焙大賽 - 台式麵包組銀牌
  加州乳酪烘焙大賽 - 台式麵包組銅牌
  第一屆統一烘焙王大賽 - 優勝
  第二屆統一烘焙王大賽 - 準決賽銀牌
  第二屆統一烘焙王大賽 - 決賽優勝
  2016 里昂杯世界大賽 - 台灣區選拔賽優勝


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