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!!!STAY TUNED!!! 22-23Feb2025 Two Days Multi-Method Bread Course by chef Steven Loh

$712.50 $750.00

Date : 22-23 Feb 2025 (Sat-Sun)
Time : 9am-5pm
Course Fee : Early Bird Discount 10% off till 18Jan2025, onwards 5% Discount till 20Feb2025 

Course Method: Interactive demonstration & hands-on class

Venue : Blk 213 Henderson Road, #03-07, Singapore 159553

Class Menu:

4 Types Dough
15 + 1 Products
Poolish Method 波蘭種,
Overnight Sponge Method 隔夜中種,
Overnight Fermentation Method 隔夜冷藏法

1)Sweet Potato & Longan Bread 黑糖地瓜桂圓麵包
2)Poolish Baguette  波蘭種法棍
3)Chocolate & Fig Baguette 巧克力無花果法國麵包
4)Hokkaido Milk Stick 北海道鮮乳棒
5)Honey Double Cheese 蜂蜜乳酪球
6)Pretzel 德國經典布蕾結
7)Multigrain Pretzel 雜糧布蕾結
8)Pistachio Pretzel 開心果布蕾結
9)German Sausage Pretzel 德式脆腸布蕾結
10)Bavarian Red Bean Roll 巴伐利亞紅豆鹼水麵包
11)Pain du Rustique 洛斯迪克法國麵包
12)Edamame Gruyere Rustique 毛豆格魯耶尓洛斯迪克
13)Margherita Pizza 瑪格麗特披薩
14)Pesto Mushroom Pizza 青醬蘑菇披薩
15)Spinach & Bacon Roll 菠菜培根乳酪卷

+ 1 special item


    Description : 

    Chef Steven Loh's Background:
    2018: Certificate in German Art of Baking, Akademie Deutsches Bäckerhandwerk, Germany
    2019: Baking Technical Consultant, Goût Artisanal, Guizhou, China
    2019: Champion of Singapore Bake-A-Star Championships (Bread Category)
    2023: Certificate in Masterclass of Panettone, Etica Academy, Italy
    2024: Sous Chef, K-Port Bakery, Japan

    Class Type : 
    Maximum of 16 participants.
    The class will be conducted in Mandarin, and the English recipes provided.
    Demonstration by Chef & participants followed by hands-on session

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